Tip: How to Setup NETGEAR N600 DGND3700 with CenturyLink Internet Connection

I currently use a Netgear N600 DGND3700v2 as my router/modem combo for my house. This modem works great with my CenturyLink DSL connection. Below are the steps to setup your Netgear N600 with a CenturyLink Internet connection.

I am assuming you know how to hook up the cables. If you’re not sure how to hook up the cables, please refer to this document. Once you have the cables connected to the modem you are ready for step one.

Step One: Plug the Ethernet cable from the LAN port on your NETGEAR N600 Router/Modem and the other end into your laptop.

NETGEAR N600 Dual Band Wi-Fi ADSL (Non-Cable) Modem Router ADSL2+ Gigabit Ethernet (DGND3700)

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Step Two: Open your browser and go to or to start configuration of this modem. If you can’t get the IP Address to work, go to http://www.routerlogin.net  that should bring up the configuration page as well.

Step Three: Enter the username and password. The default username and password for the Netgear N600 DGND3700v2 is admin and password

Step Four: You can have the modem try picking up your connection settings, however it seems to struggle most times trying to find the settings. Here is how to enter the settings manually. 

Go to the Advanced Tab > Setup > Internet SetupCenturyLink Netgear N600 Internet Setup

Does your Internet Connection require a login? NoDSL Internet Setup CenturyLink Netgear N600

Internet IP Address: This will depend on your connection. If you are a home owner more than likely you are getting a dynamic IP Address from CenturyLink. If you aren’t sure, select get Dynamically from ISP.

Domain Name Server Address: You can use any public DNS servers. I like OpenDNS DNS servers: and

NAT: Enable

Router MAC Address: Use Default Address and Save Your Settings

Go to the Advanced Tab > Setup > ADSL SettingsADSL Settings Netgear N600

Multiplexing Method: LLC-BASED

VPI: 8

VCI: 35

DSL Mode: Auto

Save your settings and you should be set! If the above settings don’t work for you, sound off in the comment section below!

This was posted by techspeeder. 

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3 thoughts on “Tip: How to Setup NETGEAR N600 DGND3700 with CenturyLink Internet Connection

  1. Jannifer stone

    Netgear is very Famous in router field. u chose a great topic for the post .. u defined very well ..every step is easy to understand.. good work keep up..
    checkout Routerlogin.net

  2. Debbie

    Net gear says I have the wrong router/modem. It is. N600. I tried to follow your instructions for century link, but the screens in net gear genie are different so I do have the same options as in your article. Best Buy does not carry low end modems anymore model c3700v2 is what the genie says. I’m screwed


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