Here is a compatibility issue I ran into a couple times. When a someone tries to access their remote web access portal, they get an error. After putting in their credentials the remote web access portal will begin to load then all of a sudden they will get the following error.
Server Error 404 – File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Sometimes this error indicates something more serious, but recently I have found that you will get this error because of an Internet Explorer 11 and remote web access incompatibility.
The first thing to do is check which version of Internet Explorer you are using. Go to the Gear icon and click about Internet Explorer. Check if you are running Internet Explorer 10 or 11. If you are , add your remote web access URL into the compatibility mode list.
Here are the steps to add the site into Compatibility View. Click the gear icon
and select the Compatibility View Settings options. Add your website to the Compatibility View list and hit Close. Refresh your tab and see if that makes a difference, it did for me.
This was posted by techspeeder.
Thanks for the article. However, I thought that you could have included more information. Maybe you could have included common causes of the 404 error and more on how it can be fixed. I thought this article [ ] did a pretty good job of doing that.
When you deploy the application, add the permission “IIS_IUSRS” to the Application folder.
Steps to do:
Navigate to the folder -> Right Click -> Properties -> Security -> Edit -> Add -> \IIS_IUSRS -> Apply > OK.
Refresh the IIS and now browse your Application.
IIS_IUSRS should be followed by server name.
Like; ServerName\IIS_IUSRS
Any one can help me ???
I can’t fix 404 – File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
if you have huge data it will happen so reduce size of file