I ran into a problem the other day with Outlook throwing the following error when trying to pull email messages from Gmail:

Outlook Error Message
” Task “anybody@gmail.com” – Receiving reported error (0x800CCC90) : ‘Your incoming (POP3) e-mail server has reported an internal error. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). The server responded: – ERR Unable to retrieve rfc822msgid:xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Every message in Gmail has a message ID assigned to it. You can find the Gmail Message ID by opening an email message and then clicking the down arrow beside the “Reply” arrow.

Show Original Message ID

Gmail Message ID
More than likely the issue is that Outlook downloaded the message but Gmail says the message was not downloaded yet. This results in the error message referenced above.
Here are the steps I used to resolve this issue.
Step One: Log into Gmail on the web.
Step Two: In the search box, in Gmail, search for the message referenced in your error message it should look similar to this: rfc822msgid:<31799347-9C90-4BBB-917D-CF95CCC21451>. Make sure to type the message ID exactly how it is referenced in the error message. Depending on the message ID you may need to add @domain after it like this: rfc822msgid:<54126538.1818.0@wordpress.com> .

Rfc822msgid Search Result
If you typed everything correctly, you should find the offending email message. You can double check to make sure the email message ID matching the message ID of the error you are receiving in Outlook.
Step Three: Delete the offending email message from Gmail.
Step Four: Go back to Outlook and do a Send/Receive. The error message should disappear. If the error message does not disappear you can check out this older post about this issue or perhaps their are multiple messages that need cleared from Gmail.
I hope this helps. Sound off in the comment section if it helped or if you have additional questions.
This was posted by techspeeder.
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