Tag Archives: Outlook Profile

How to Create a New Outlook Profile

If you follow me on YouTube, you already know I released a video on how to create a new Outlook profile. If you don’t follow me there, here is how to create a new Outlook profile. You can find written instructions below this video. 

Step by Step Directions:

Step One: Go to the Control Panel
Step Two:  Click User Accounts
Step Three: Click Mail (Microsoft Outlook)
Step Four: You are ready to add your profile. Click Add and Type a Profile Name
Step Five: Select your Email Account type (Most times you will want to click on Manual Setup or Additional Server Types unless you have an Office 365 account.)
Now enter your account information and when added Click Finish.
Step Six: If you already have an existing Outlook profile, you will want to select “Always use this profile” and select your new profile from the drop-down menu.
Now open Outlook and it you should be ready to go!

This was posted by techspeeder.