Tag Archives: Quickbooks 2015

QuickBooks Database Manager: Windows Firewall is Blocking Quickbooks

A client was using Quickbook Pro 2015 on Server 2012 Essentials. Every time I would run the QuickBooks database Manager I would receive an error similar to the following:

Windows firewall: Disabled exceptions not defined
Network Diagnostics: Failed. Resolve errors and Retry!!

The above errors would persist even if the Windows Firewall was active or not. I had already added the necessary ports for Quickbooks in the Windows Firewall. You can find the necessary ports here. The necessary ports for Quickbooks 2015 are 8019, 56725, 55363-55367. Even after adding the above mentioned ports I was receiving the same Quickbooks Database error. After troubleshooting this issue for some time, I realized everytime that the Quickbooks database manager would run it would add an additional rule to the Windows Firewall. QuickBooks Pro 2015 Firewall Rules

The weird thing was that you could use Quickbooks even though this error was displayed in the Quickbooks Database Manager. However, nobody likes to see errors.

I did a deeper drive into the issue. This is what I found. 

I opened the Windows Firewall and found the following blocked ports:

2017-06-22 09:27:40 DROP UDP 58070 4994 51 – – – – – – – RECEIVE
2017-06-22 09:27:43 DROP UDP 58070 4994 51 – – – – – – – RECEIVE
2017-06-22 09:27:46 DROP UDP 58070 4994 51 – – – – – – – RECEIVE

I didn’t find these ports documented anywhere on QuickBooks support, so I decided to add those ports in the firewall. Quickbooks Pro 2015 Firewall Ports

Once I added those ports I ran the Quickbooks Database Manager everything came back successful!Quickbooks Database Manager

If you are having the same error above, try adding the ports I have mentioned in this article. If those ports don’t work, check your Windows Firewall logs and see if the Quickbooks Database Manager is using alternate ports. If you need help configuring the Windows Firewall logging, check this link

I hope this helps. This was posted by techspeeder. 



QuickBooks Pro 2015 Occasionally Asks for Administrator Credentials

We installed QuickBooks Pro 2015 on a terminal server running Windows Server 2012 R2. Quickbooks would work great for the most part, but once in a while Quickbooks would prompt for an administrator password.QuickBooks UAC Prompt Our customer called us about this issue so we decided to give his user account administrator Windows credentials on the terminal server. It didn’t go very long till he called us back again and told us that Quickbooks was still prompting for an administrator password. QuickBooks Database CredentialsAfter doing some research, this is the fix that worked for me.

Go to your start menu and type in Services.msc. Open Services and scroll down till you Continue reading

QuickBooks Premier 2013 Missing Outlook Option for Send Form

I ran into this bizarre issue today. A customer called and said two of their computers could not email out of QuickBooks 2013 using Outlook 2013. Both computers were running Windows 7 Professional 64bit. I connected to one of the troublesome computers and sure enough, I browsed to Edit > Preferences > Send Form. Under Send Form they had the Web Mail and QuickBooks E-mail options but the Outlook option was mysteriously missing.

Outlook Send Form Option Missing So I rolled up my sleeves and went to work on it.

After about five or six hours of troubleshooting this issue I finally was able to get the problem resolved. I was on the phone with a QuickBooks rep for over two hours and he didn’t know the answer to the issue either. Here are some of the troubleshooting steps I went through before I found the solution. I will include links at the bottom of my article for some of the websites I visited trying to find a solution.

I. I made sure Outlook 2013 was a supported version in QuickBooks 2013.

II. Made Sure Outlook was the default mail program.

III. Set the default email program in Internet Explorer.

IV. Made sure their was a Mail profile in Outlook. I also created a new Outlook profile just in case that was the issue. It wasn’t.

V. I ran a repair on Office 2013 and QuickBooks 2013.
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