Internet Explorer 10 crashes on start up – Windows 7

One of our customers wanted the latest edition of Internet Explorer for Windows 7. So I downloaded Internet Explorer 10 for them. When I would opened Internet Explorer 10, it would instantly crash on start up. Here are the steps to resolve the issue.

Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet > Internet Options.

Next click on the Advanced tab and check the box Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering.

Internet Explorer 10 Graphics

Then restart your computer. Open up Internet Explorer and it should now work fine!

Update 2/22/15 : I noticed I received a bunch of hits on this article recently. I don’t know if this corresponds with this Internet Explorer crashing issue or not but I thought I would post a link just in case.
Good Luck!

This was posted by techspeeder.


20 thoughts on “Internet Explorer 10 crashes on start up – Windows 7

  1. Pingback: Internet Explorer 10 crashes every time I print | Merlin's Blog

    1. Merlin Halteman Post author

      I would try to run Internet Explorer as an administrator and then try unchecking the box. If that doesn’t work I would try “Restoring advanced settings” in Internet Explorer. That should get your box unticked, let me know if you have any luck with those tips, thanks.

  2. Rob

    I would look at display driver or other display related problems. Perhaps a universal docking station with Viewspan software. I had the same issue with the HP universal Docking software.

  3. Marc

    Worked perfectly for me. I never had to restart to get it work but it seems to be working fine now. Thank you very much

  4. Mark

    Superb tip! been struggling for a while, uninstalled/reinstalled, removed add-ons etc. This hit the spot – IE11 Win7


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