Tag Archives: Android

Power user tips for the Nexus 6P

Ever since I received my Nexus 6P, I have been learning more about it. The past couple weeks, I have uploaded some tips on my YouTube on how to better use your Nexus 6P.

In this short video, I will show you the fastest way to launch your camera app and take a photo on your Nexus 6P.

In this short tutorial, I show you how to restart your Nexus 6P. (It is quite simple as it turns out)

I hope these videos helped you learn something about your Nexus 6P. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to find more great tips and tutorials! Thanks for watching!

This was posted by techspeeder.

How to take a screenshot with your Nexus 6P

In this small video tutorial I show you how to take a screenshot with your Nexus 6P device. This Nexus 6P is running Android Marshmallow.


This was posted by techspeeder. Please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.


Disable Phone Pin Lock Exchange Policy on Exchange Server 2010

I upgraded one of our Microsoft Exchange 2010 servers to Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2. After the upgrade one of the users complained that they now had to create a pin or password  on their phones’ lock screens. Although I think this is a good idea for security purposes, this company didn’t want this hassle. This is how you disable the Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox policy from requiring a device password or pin .

Step One: Open Exchange Management Console

Step Two: Expand Organization Configuration > Client AccessExchange 2010 Policy

Step Three: Click Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Polices tab and open the default policy.

Step Four: Click on the Password tab and uncheck Require Password. Apply your settingsExchange 2010 Device Password Policy.

These changes will automatically take affect across all of the devices.

If this post helped you, please consider sharing with your friends or following my blog. This was posted by techspeeder.



Clear App Defaults On Android Lollipop Phone

I decided to post something a little different than my normal troubleshooting tips.

Here is a small video tutorial on how to clear default apps on an Android phone. My phone is running Android Lollipop but the settings will be similar on other versions of Android.

If you enjoyed the video please subscribe for more.

This was posted by techspeeder.

OnePlus One – Unboxing and First Impressions

I received my OnePlus One yesterday. I purchased the 64gb Sandstone black version. Here are some photos and my first impressions. I am upgraded from an HTC One M7 to this OnePlus One. I will be making some comparisons between these two devices.

I thought the packaging of the device was nice. The packaging was simplistic but still had style.

Setting up the device was easy. It asked me for my Google account. It also asks if me if I want to make a CyanogenMod account. Since I didn’t have an account I created one. My phone needed the XNPH25R Incremental CyanogenMod update, when I turned it on. I installed the updated and my phone was ready within a couple minutes. Continue reading