Tag Archives: Windows 8.1

Instructions to Remove the Malicious Finding Discount Program

More and more computers these days get infected with adware and malware programs. A customer recently brought his laptop in that had the Finding Discount program installed. This program is malicious and I would consider it a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program). It will change your search engines, bring up messages about your computer being infected, and slow down your computer. Here is a step by step process on how to remove this software.

The computer that was infected was running Windows 8.1. However, the removal process should be similar for those who are running Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.

Step One: Go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a Program. Locate Finding Discount and click Uninstall.Finding Discount Under Programs

Step Two: When you click Uninstall you will get redirected to a webpage. It will probably look similar to the one below.This is when it gets interesting. Normally, you can click uninstall on a program and it will just remove itself. But this program proves to be quite tricky.Finding Discount Webpage


Step Three: Just ignore the message it is proclaiming. . . it is bogus. Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and enter the uninstall characters they provide.

Finding Discount Uninstall Code

Step Four: A small download will start called FindingDiscountUninstaller.exe from uninstall.finding.discount. Click Run once it is finished downloading. Continue reading

Windows 8 App Store won’t open

Windows 8 StoreProblem: Our customer wanted to update their Windows 8 computer to Windows 8.1. That is simple enough, however when I clicked on the Windows 8 store to download the Windows 8.1 update it would open briefly then crash. I did some searches for this issue, and it seems like other people were running into the same issue. After a few Google searches, I ran across a fix for this issue. This is the fix that worked for me:

Solution: Open command prompt as an administrator.

Step Two: Enter this command prompt: powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\WinStore\AppxManifest.xml

Wait a couple seconds and this command will re-register the Store. Once I ran this command the Store opened just fine and I was able to download the Windows 8.1 update.

This was posted by techspeeder.

Special thanks to Wilson Calabresi for this tip. 


Couldn’t update to Windows 8.1 (0x80070005-0x4000D)

I haven’t heard of many people, that the upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 didn’t work smoothly. However, I did run into an issue recently. When trying to upgrade a Windows 8 computer to 8.1, it would download the update from the Microsoft Store but through the installation process it would error out. Here is how I fixed the issue. Kudos to Peter_Mc , without your helpful troubleshooting, this would have been a long day 🙂

Problem: When installing the Windows 8.1 update, the update would install until it got to 3% and then it would error out. This is the message it gave: Couldn’t update to Windows 8.1 . . .  Sorry, we couldn’t complete the update to Windows 8.1. We’ve restored your previous version of Windows to this PC.  0x80070005-0x4000D .8.1 upgrade error


Step One: Browse to this location: C:\$Windows.~BT\Sources\Panther and you will find a Continue reading