Recently, I ran into a backup issue with a SBS 2011. The server was backing up just fine using the built-in Windows Server Backup utility until all of a sudden it started failing on me. The VSS snapshots would take a long time to create and would eventually error out on me. I was also getting lots of VSS error logs in event viewer. It didn’t matter what I tried, I couldn’t get the backup to complete successfully.
I decided to install Acronis on the Small Business Server 2011 to see if that would fix my issues. I tried kicking off a couple backups with Acronis and I ran into a similar issue. I was getting quite frustrated with this problem. Here are the steps I used to get my SBS 2011 to backup successfully.
Step One: Start a backup. Go into Event Viewer and see if there are any VSS error logs. In my situation there were hundreds of them. This is what my VSS error log said.
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error creating the Shadow Copy Provider COM class CLSID { 423bbc78-9b20-4bbe-a967-b63ec43bc7f3} [0x80040154, Class not registered].
Operation: Creating instance of hardware provider, Obtain a callable interface for this provider, List interface for all providers supporting this context, Get Show Copy Properties . . .
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